Create an ideal setting for outdoor entertaining with tree and landscaping services from Phil’s Tree Service. Backed by more than 20 years of experience, our experts have what it takes to remove trees, trim your landscape, and make your yard look its best. You can have your property transformed into the standout home in your neighborhood with services from our landscape and tree services company.
From tree removal and stump grinding to lot clearing and trimming, we provide a wide range of landscaping and tree services. Emergency work is available 24/7 to meet your needs as they arise. Whatever you need to maintain your trees or landscape, we can handle it.
Proudly Serving Adelphia, Allentown, Cream Ridge, Englishtown, Freehold, Imlaystown, Jackson,
Lakehurst, Lakewood, Millstone Township, New Egypt, Roosevelt, Toms River, & Trenton